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“Loose Ends”

We are approaching the end of the story for Joseph. Last week we talked about Joseph’s promotion and the need to protect the anointing that is on our lives. So, Joseph is making his way to the culmination of all things - that's Romans 8: 28 - where all things work together for good… But before God writes the end of Joseph's story, it includes an aspect that we may not have anticipated. God is tying up loose ends.

Joseph and his brothers have been separated by the most dreadful circumstances; they wanted to kill him but settled on selling him into slavery and then concocting a story that he was dead. This is nasty stuff and yet God, in addition to promoting Joseph to a position of power and prominence, is going to tie up some loose ends. His brothers are now going down to Egypt because the land of Canaan is in a time of famine and they need to buy corn, and when they get to Egypt, Joseph recognizes his brothers, but his brothers don't recognize him because he looks like an Egyptian ruler.

God is wanting to bring “conciliation”, freedom of conflict and peace to this household. So, after a time, Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers in an emotional scene. And he frames their wrongdoing in a way that will bring about making peace in their relationship.

Genesis 45:5 But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.

Joseph takes the initiative here…. in essence he says to his brothers:” I know, and you know you’ve done me a great wrong, but I'm saying “I forgive you! Let's not dwell on thoughts that bring grief and anger – God was up to something much bigger in the middle of all of this.’

In our family and in the family of God, we hopefully have the freedom to engage one another with our faults and offenses as we deal with them according to scripture. We should not hold on to offenses; we need to make it right. Because we know if we hang on to the offence, it will fester; the grief in our heart will turn to bitterness; and the anger will turn to resentment and frustration. That's why it's so important in the family of God to deal with offences in the way that Jesus recommended- with a heart of forgiveness.

Join us in person on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or via livestream by going to and clicking on livestream for “Loose Ends.”  




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