I trust that you all had a great week!!
This Sunday I will be presenting Part 7 of this series with a message entitled: “When God Leads…we are ” Spirit Controlled ”
You can view this message on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. by clicking on our website: https://www.firstbaptistsudbury.com and going to “Live stream”.
We are continuing our study of the children of Israel by looking at Exodus 14. Pharaoh and his army have now decided to pursue the children of Israel; he has made a mistake in releasing them and wants them back!
The children of Israel see him coming and their hearts sink; and because they have yet to cultivate a life of trust and faith in God; they are fearful and begin to murmur against Moses. But in this life of being led by God, He desires that we are “controlled” by the Spirit in every way; in our spirit, soul and body.
I define being controlled by the Spirit this way: The Holy Spirit is influencing my thoughts and actions to think and do what seems unnatural so that I can live in the supernatural.
Join us on Sunday as we talk about what it means to surrender our “sight’’, our “emotions ‘’ and our speech” to the Lord so that we can live in the supernatural.
Join us at 10:00 a.m. at church or via livestream.
Take heart and be blessed,
Pastor Kevin