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“Burn the Ships!”

We are starting 2025 with a new series entitled: “No Turning Back.” Jesus, on many occasions during His ministry invited people to become His followers. And whenever He gave an invitation to follow, He didn’t pull any punches. He doesn't tell people that you're in for a free ride, it's a beautiful tour and you'll be so blessed.

On the contrary, He tells people the reality, that it's going to cost you something, as a matter of fact it's going to cost you everything. He tells people that you must take up your cross and follow Me.

 Today's church has numbed and dumbed down the message to make it palatable to those who will listen. It has become a message of grace and more grace and there really is no cost to following. This has never been the real message of discipleship nor will it ever be. Jesus has always given an invitation based on the reality that you need to surrender everything in order to follow Him. And when you follow Him there will be no turning back. Because whoever turns back will not be counted worthy to stand in eternity with Jesus.

Luke 9: 57 Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

In this scenario the man wants to become a follower of Christ. His words are impressive: “I’ll follow You wherever You go! Lord I'm in!” Jesus could have looked through him and stated the obvious: No, you won't…but Jesus lets him down gently by saying basically: “I have nothing, I own nothing, I don't have a home, I'm not sure where I'm spending this evening. Even the birds have a nest and foxes have dens but I don't have a place to give you; there's nothing in it for you. “

For those who have their mind set on the comforts of life, Jesus’ response is an obstacle to being a follower - there's nothing in it for you. Jesus promises you no great material blessing; He simply asks you to come and to follow. The gospel group “For King and Country” say it best in their song: “Burn the Ships.”

Burn the ships, cut the ties,

Send a flare into the night Say a prayer,

turn the tide, Dry your tears and wave goodbye Step into a new day,

We can rise up from the dust and walk away

We can dance upon our heartache,

So light a match, leave the past,

Burn the ships,

And don't you look back!

Join us in person on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or via livestream by going to and clicking on livestream for “Burn the Ships!”




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