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“Shod with the Right Shoe”

We are continuing with our series entitled: “The Armour of God”. Last Sunday we spoke about the breastplate of righteousness; this week we are dealing with wearing the proper footwear.

Ephesians 6:15…and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. (NIV)

Paul is saying that it's important to have your feet “shod”, that's a term that we would generally use when speaking of putting shoes on a horse. You need to be shod or fitted with the right pair of shoes. What kind of shoes are you going to wear? It's important to have the right footwear on. You can't wear open-toed sandals in a snowstorm. You have to be prepared, ready by wearing shoes that come from the “gospel of peace.”

What does that mean? You always have to be ready to stand your ground as one who is “at peace with God”. Are you at peace with God today? From the Garden of Eden, the enemy has been trying to drive a wedge between man and God, that is his goal. He wants to take you and me out of sync in our relationship with God so that there is strife and conflict.

Standing our ground means that sometimes we are wearing our military boots, holding fast to those things that you know to be true; not giving way to the enemy. Everyday we are asked to compromise in our Christian beliefs and values; and you've got a choice to hold to the word of God or to mix in the secular worldview into your Christian life. If you want to have “peace with God” you need to stand in the truth of the Word of God.

Sometimes the proper footwear is running shoes; the Bible says that we need to “flee” from temptation when it comes our way; so, we need to have our spiritual runners on in order to remain at peace with God. And sometimes we have our spiritual sandals on; which stands for intimacy as we approach the presence of God; even as the Lord said to Moses to remove his sandals so that he could show reverence in the presence of God.

Make sure that at all times you are ready to have the right footwear on so that you can remain at “peace with God.”

Join us in person on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or via livestream by going to and clicking on livestream for “Shod with the Right Shoes.”



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